Sunday, September 15, 2013

Special Education Resources for Teachers and Others

We all teach students with special needs whether we are certified special education teachers or teachers working with students in our classes who have special needs. Here are some resources I recently discovered.

Thanks to Melissa Taylor for sharing many of the above resources on Google+.

What are some of your favorite resources for special education teachers? What tech tools do you find most helpful for students with special needs? Which of the above resources were most helpful to you?


  1. Obviously as a special educator I found all of this information to be quite helpful. The link that was especially great was the one titled, "Best Rated Apps for Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis." There is an increased number of students at my school who are on the autism spectrum and these apps will be great to try.

  2. The links provided here are a great resource for me as a special educator. More importantly, they are also incredibly helpful for regular educators and parents as well. I have found it to be especially helpful when you provide parents with lists of credible resources that they can consult to answer some of their questions about they ways in which their child or children learn.
