Sunday, February 10, 2013

Where Can I Find Legal Music for Videos?

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by craigCloutier
As many of you already know, I am fan of Flickr's Creative Commons for finding images to use in blogs, websites, wikis, and other online spaces. I blogged about this resource earlier, "Need Photos for Your Blogs Posts."

Now, what about music? One locator is Creative Commons Legal Music for Videos. Of the sites Creative Commons lists, which have you used? What are your recommendations for locating music to use legally in videos?

1 comment:

  1. This is something I think I need to do more research on. I often use photos from the internet for my personal blog (mainly just book covers) and for my blog for this class. I have been operating under the assumption that I can use whatever I find as long as I cite my source. If that's not the case I will need to reevaluate my process because I certainly don't want to be taking a blogging misstep!
