Sunday, April 21, 2013

Must-See Video Created by 5th Graders: "I Am Art"

In this video, the students act out what art means to them. The video shows their creativity, reflects art's diversity, and is just plain downright entertaining. These students are awesome. Take a look, and let us know your reaction.

I AM ART from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.


  1. This was an awesome project! There were so many components to putting something like this together so hats off to the teacher for letting her students be sooo creative! You can see in the after shots that they used green screens etc. But I loved it the students seemed to get a lot out of this one project. What a great way to encompass digital storytelling

  2. What a great project. I can really see my school using this for students in the upper elementary grades. My students love seeing themselves on the "big screen" of our Smart Board so allowing them to create a video like this would be great! Our theme coach would love this assignment too because it is all about what the students know about art.

  3. This was a very creative project and way for the students to express what art means to them. This however must have taken some time and i commend the teacher for doing the project. Creating a class video is a great idea and can really engage students. I can definitely see myself doing a project like this in the future.

  4. I agree - what a terrific project! These students are very lucky to have a teacher who allows creativity to flow in the classroom! I can't wait to show this to our art teacher at school, as well as my colleagues!
