Saturday, May 31, 2014

Watch These Cute Kids React to Older Technolgy: How Far We Have Come

This video speaks for itself, so watch and enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment.

Go Noodle: A Site Teachers Are Raving About

Just today, I came across blog posts from two teachers who praised GoNoodle.

This is not a site I know, but it is one I plan to explore.

For now, I offer links to the posts where the teachers explain how they use the site.

In this post, kindergarten teacher, Matt Gomez, gives an excellent overview of the site. Click on the image to learn what Matt has to say about the site. You can see his students' enthusiasm in the picture.

In this post, another teacher of young children, Nikki Vrandenburg, recommends the site in her list of sites she uses with her students.  GoNoodle comes up first in her post: "My New Favorite Web Tools."

And just an hour after I originally wrote this post, I found on my Twitter feed this picture posted by a former graduate student who teaches 2nd grade, whose students judging from the picture are excited to use GoNoodle:

So I got back in touch with the teacher on Twitter to ask her how her second graders liked GoNoodle, and here's her reply.

Do these teachers' endorsements convince you to check out the site? Had you heard of the site before? Based on what you learned about the site, would you consider exploring it for use in your classroom?