In reviewing a document that came across my screen today addressing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and what they mean for interdisciplinary teaching, one of the first links was to this video, which I have seen before, but thought to share now for discussion purposes.
In addition, the resource "The Common Core: 12 Discussion Starters for Secondary Teachers" includes links to a wealth of resources, all worth exploring.
Each day, new information emerges related to common core standards. Some of the online resources lead to lesson plans, others articulate the merits and demerits of the standards, while others address the inevitable standardized testing. Recently, there's been a spate of articles about machine-scoring of essays. For instance, check this article, "Humans Fight Over Robo Scoring."
What's your favorite common core resource? What's been your response to the standards? Are they new, or old shoes with remodeled soles?