A recent press release about an invalid question on the New York State exam has raised the issue of not only the absurdity of one test question, but other test questions as well.
The controversy has surrounded a reading passage, "The Hare and the Pineapple" and the multiple choice question that followed. These screen shots are from The Washington Post story listed below.
Here are links to some of those stories. I found this group on Larry Ferlazzo's Best Posts of the Day:
The Pineapple Story Tests Us: Have Test Publishers become Unquestionable Authorities? is from Anthony Cody at Education Week.
Daniel Pinkwater on Pineapple Exam: ‘Nonsense on Top of Nonsense’ is from The Wall Street Journal.
State Scraps “Pineapple” Test Question is from The New York Times.
When Pineapple Races Hare, Students Lose, Critics of Standardized Tests Say is the New York Times’ “take” on it.
Putting Daniel Pinkwater to the Test is from Wired.
‘Talking pineapple’ question on standardized test baffles students is from Valerie Strauss at The Washington Post.
Now that you have reviewed these articles, how do you weigh in on the issue?