For some time, I have been keeping up with California 3rd grade teacher Linda Yollis and 2nd grade Australian teacher Kathleen Morris. Both have been using blogs with their students for several years, and they have participated in projects such as Quad Blogging.
Students in each of their classes made these videos a few years back, but they are still very relevant today, especially for teachers who are in the initial stages of thinking about implementing blogging in their classrooms.
What I love about these videos is that the students have a voice. Not only do they speak about the benefits of blogging, but they also practice oral presentation and video production skills.
3rd Graders: Meet Linda Yollis's Students
Listen to these 3rd graders from Linda Yollis's class talk about blogging. They offer a wealth of information in this short video.
2nd Graders: Meet Kathleen Morris's Students.
In this video, 2nd graders outline several ways that blogging promotes literacy skills for 21st century learners.
What do you consider the best piece of advice these 2nd and 3rd graders offer?
How convincing are they about the power of blogging?